Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

With the fairly new introduction of Dokha to the Ontario market and its continuously growing popularity there are many questions. Here you will find answers to the most common questions about Dokha.

What is Dokha?

​Dokha, in Arabic, translates in English to "Dizzy", and for good reason. It is a small, yet intense rush from a unique and natural tobacco grown exclusively in UAE. The effects of Dokha are primarily a pleasurable vertigo with a tranquil afterglow. Many Dokha smokers have described the quintessence of Dokha as a calm, composed, and relaxed mental state.

Is Dokha Legal?

Yes, Dokha is legal in Ontario, as it's cultivated from a specialty Tobacco Plant. Dokha is 100% pure, additive-free, not mixed with any other materials. You will not find BARK, SPICES, or other additives in any of our products. We Pride ourselves in carrying the finest, most pure Dokha in the entire world.

How is Dokha So Powerful?

Dokha is grown in a very hot and humid climate in only one valley near Dubai. When harvested, the tobacco leaf is hung from the base of the leaf to dry upside down. In this process the majority of the nicotine within the leaf accumulates in the tip of the leaf. This tip is later cut and turned into one of our one-of-a-kind premium blends. Please follow all product warnings as it is very powerful and will take your breath away.

Why Should I Try Tobacco Bar Dokha?

As there are many very happy smokers out there, Tobacco Bar Dokha smokers enjoy the peace of mind knowing they are among an elite few who have experienced 'The Biggest Buzz' in the Industry. Our All Natural Organically Grown Blends are so good that once you try it you will be at a loss for words... literally.


If you have anymore questions, feel free to contact us, asking any questions you may have.